He's King Zhennan's Junior Brother!

Yang Luo did not hide anything and told Jiang Tianlong and the others what had happened tonight.

After hearing Yang Luo's words, Jiang Tianlong and the others immediately understood what was going on.

Jiang Tianlong shouted at Zhang Yunchi, "Why the f*ck are you still hiding outside? Hurry up and get over here!"

Zhang Yunchi was so frightened that his entire body was trembling. He hurriedly ran in.

Jiang Tianlong slapped Zhang Yunchi so hard that he fell to the ground. He roared angrily, "Dog, are you f*cking blind? How dare you offend Mr. Yang!"

Zhang Yunchi was so frightened that he burst into tears and snot. He begged for mercy, "Master Long, I was wrong. I really know my mistake!"

As he spoke, Zhang Yunchi apologized to Yang Luo, "Mr. Yang, I'm sorry. I won't dare to do it again. Please forgive me!"