Mysterious Man!

"You're welcome. No need to thank me."

Huang Tai'an waved his hand and said to Yang Luo, "Master, I've already gathered a lot of the herbs you asked me to gather previously. Do you still need them now?"

Yang Luo's eyes lit up and he said, "Yes, of course!"

He had already decided to continue with the refining of more Spirit Gathering Pills. Although he no longer had any use for them, he had many friends who cultivated martial arts beside him. He could let them use them.

"Alright, alright, alright. I'll get someone to bring the herbs over now!"

Huang Tai'an nodded repeatedly and instructed a few medical hall staff, "Go upstairs and bring down the boxes of herbs I prepared!"


A few of the shop assistants responded and quickly went upstairs.

After a while.

A few of the assistants carried three large boxes of medicinal herbs down.

The assistants then carried three large boxes of medicinal herbs to Yang Luo.