Forgiveness Is Betrayal!

He directly activated his Heavenly Eye. Golden light flashed in his eyes as he scanned his surroundings again.

Suddenly, he could see that wisps of white gas were floating out of the young men and women on the street, gathering towards the statue.

Only then did Yang Luo confirm his guess!

It was indeed the Nine Bends Shifting Fortune Array!

This array formation was a little sinister. It could deprive a person of their luck and enhance it on others!

As for those who were deprived of their luck, at best, they would be unlucky and their bodies would be weak. At worst, they would die!

However, what puzzled him was who had set up such a sinister array?

And what was their goal?

Yang Luo narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seemed that this kind of activity was indeed not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Since he was here, he had to find out what was going on.