Conferences At The Same Time!

Xu Yan let out a long sigh and said, "President Su, Brother Yang, so you were already prepared. You made me worry for nothing."

Su Qingmei smiled and said, "We're doing this to catch Ding Sheng Biomedical off guard.

Moreover, a few days ago, the research and development team had already called to say that the new product had been successfully developed and could be listed at any time.

The reason why I didn't choose to hold a new product news conference was because I was waiting for the right time.

Now, the time has come for our new product to go on the market."

Then, Su Qingmei immediately ordered, "Xu Yan, inform everyone in the company immediately. Inform all the companies in Jiang City that our Hua Mei Biomedical will also hold a new product news conference tomorrow!

Tell all the bosses that we welcome those who are willing to participate in our new product news conference!

If you're not willing to participate, we won't force you!"