I Won't Let You Down!

Zachary's smile became even brighter.

He shook his head and said, "Brother, since you want to lose so much, I'll fulfill your wish.

I'll thank you for giving me a jade mine first."

Jin Yumin said unhappily, "Zachary, the results aren't out yet. Don't be smug too early, lest you get slapped in the face."

Zachary sneered and said, "I'm looking forward to this kid slapping my face."

Grondor said, "Alright, let's cut the crap and start!

Who's going to choose the raw stones first?"

"Brother, you're the Stone King. Naturally, you have to give in to me."

Zachary smiled slyly and said to Chen Lifang, "Old Mr. Chen, go and choose first."

Although he was very confident in Chen Lifang, in order to ensure that nothing went wrong, he naturally wanted Chen Lifang to choose the raw stones first.

As long as he won this round, he would have eight jade mines and step on Grondor to become the new Stone King of Country Noodle.
