Strange Monk!

Around eleven o'clock at night.

At the Strand Hotel.

As the most high-end hotel in Country Noodle, the renovation of the hotel was extremely luxurious.

Staying here for a night cost at least 300,000 yuan, and the luxury suite cost more than a million yuan.

After the car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, Yang Luo got out of the car.

Grondor said, "Mr. Yang, I've already informed the hotel. If you need any services, feel free to tell the hotel attendants."

Yang Luo said, "Thank you."

"We're friends. No need to thank me."

Grondor smiled and said, "Alright, Mr. Yang, rest early. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."


Yang Luo nodded in reply.

After Grondor and Jin Yumin left, Yang Luo did not enter the hotel immediately. Instead, he decided to search around the vicinity for something to eat.

Tonight, he had fought several battles and consumed a lot of stamina. He was already hungry.