Anyone Who Approaches Will Die!

Prajna took a few deep breaths and said, "Sister Su, quickly call Brother Yang and tell him to come back quickly!

As long as Brother Yang returns, we will have a chance to turn the tables!"


Su Qingmei picked up her phone with trembling hands and called Yang Luo.

However, she could not get through to Yang Luo at all.

She called a few more times, but still only got a dead tone as reply.

Su Qingmei instantly panicked, "I can't get through. I can't get through to Yang Luo!

Prajna, what should I do now? What should I do?"

At this moment, Su Qingmei's tears flowed down her face. Her body was trembling and she felt very helpless.

Her grandfather had fallen, and her uncle, father, and Auntie had been arrested. She really did not know what to do now.

"Why can't it get through?"

Prajna slammed the steering wheel, "Brother Yang, what are you doing?!

Why aren't you there when Sister Su needs you the most?!"