Absolutely Furious!

In the following period of time, Su Qingmei briefly told Yang Luo what happened the entire day yesterday.

After hearing Su Qingmei's words, Yang Luo was completely enraged!

Rumble rumble rumble!

Waves of extremely terrifying pressure and aura spread out, causing the mountains in a radius of thousands of meters to tremble!

The clouds in the sky began to surge crazily as well!

"D*mn it!"

He let out a heaven-shaking roar. His eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on his forehead and neck were bulging!

As the mountains shook from his wrath…

Grondor, Jin Yumin, Bujie, and the nearby workers were all stunned, thinking that there was another earthquake!

However, when they saw Yang Luo's expression, everyone was so frightened that they trembled and broke out in cold sweat!

Especially Grondor, Jin Yumin, and Bujie. They had never seen Yang Luo so angry!