Doing So Badly?

Qin Yimo looked at the time and said, "It's already eight o'clock. The guests will probably be here soon.

Let's hurry down and welcome them."


Yang Luo nodded in reply.


Qin Yimo suddenly stopped Yang Luo.

"What's wrong?"

Yang Luo looked puzzled.

Qin Yimo sized up Yang Luo and frowned, "Brother Yang, you're the president after all. Why aren't you dressed more formally today?

Is it really good for you to dress so casually?"

Yang Luo was caught between laughter and tears as he said, "I'm not so particular about my clothes. I would rather wear whatever's comfortable.

Moreover, all the guests who came today know me, so there's no need to dress too formally."

"Alright, alright. You're the president. You have the final say."

Qin Yimo shook her head and said, "Brother Yang, I'm going to the washroom. You can go down first."


Yang Luo responded.