Watch Himself!

"D*mn it!"

Hong Yunzhi clenched his fists and asked in a low voice, "Who exactly did this?!"

Hong Zekai said, "It's said that he's the sect master of a martial arts sect in Country Sakura. His name is Takeda Shinzo!

Sato Taro, Nakamura Ichio, Kitada Karyu, and Yagyu Youmin are the disciples of this Takeda Shinzo!"

"I see."

Hong Yunzhi nodded in realization and said, "Looks like this Takeda Shinzo is to avenge his disciple!"

Hong Zekai gritted his teeth and said, "This Takeda Shinzo is really too hateful. It was clearly his disciple who provoked us first, but now, he doesn't care about reason at all and even came to take revenge on us!"

Hong Yunzhi said in a deep voice, "Little Kai, when have you ever seen a Sakura Islander reason with anyone?

These guys have always been known for being despicable and shameless. Only by beating them into submission will they fear you, be afraid of you, and submit to you."