No Creation Without Destruction!

Seconds ticked by.

Everyone present stared at this scene intently and did not dare to breathe loudly, afraid of disturbing Yang Luo.

A full half an hour passed.

When all the silver needles stopped trembling, Yang Luo retracted his hand and all the silver needles.

"Brother Yang, how's my father?"

Hong Zekai asked anxiously.

Yang Luo smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, Alliance Master Hong's injuries are almost healed.

The broken bones and meridians in his body were also reconnected by me.

As for his shattered dantian, I've also repaired it."

"Really… Is this true?!"

Hong Zekai suppressed the excitement in his heart and his entire body was trembling.

But at this moment…

Hong Yunzhi slowly opened his eyes.

"Alliance Master Hong is awake!"

"He's awake, he's really awake!"

Everyone shouted happily.


Hong Zekai hurriedly rushed over, tears streaming down his face.