Double Breakthrough!

Yang Luo looked at Takeda Shinzo with interest and said, "Old fellow, it seems that you still have some strength. You actually survived three punches from me."

These words were extremely grating on Takeda Shinzo's ears.

Takeda Shinzo swallowed his throat and said hatefully with blood in his mouth, "Kid, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

With this roar!

Takeda Shinzo seemed to have gone crazy as it charged towards Yang Luo!

"Let's go and help the Sect Master!"

"We must kill this kid!"

More than a hundred disciples of the Divine Martial Sect also roared and charged forward.

The captain of the Black Hawk team, Turks, also rushed up with more than 50 warriors.

These warriors either activated their mechanical forms or drank the Second-Generation Strengthening Potion. They were like steel and humanoid beasts, terrifying and horrifying.