Prajna's Background!


Prajna was stunned for a moment before hurriedly wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes. She shook her head and said, "No, I'm not crying."

Yang Luo sighed inwardly and said, "Prajna, I think we should have a chat."

"Chat about?"

Prajna avoided his gaze, "Brother Yang, I'm a little tired from the battle tonight and want to rest early.

You should rest early too."

Yang Luo didn't say anything and just stared into the girl's eyes.

Prajna turned her head, not daring to meet Yang Luo's gaze.

Yang Luo sighed and said gently, "Prajna, through this period of time, I've already treated you as my sister.

I think we should tell each other everything, not hide anything.

If you encounter any trouble, you can tell me.

As long as I can help, I'll definitely help you.

I don't want you to suppress everything in your heart and suffer alone."

Hearing Yang Luo's words…