Mo Qingkuang Calls!

On a particular evening….

The sun set and night fell.

A bonfire party was held on the beach to welcome Yang Luo and the others to the Azure Dragon Pavilion.

Some of the warriors stretched their arms and barbecued, while others sang and danced. Everyone gathered together in joy.

Chu Longyuan held a bottle of beer and clinked it with Yang Luo's. He took a sip of beer and said in admiration, "Brother, you're really too awesome.

A day of guidance from you is equivalent to a year of guidance from me."

Yang Luo took a sip of beer as well and said in amusement, "Brother Chu, it's not as exaggerated as you say."

"That's not an exaggeration."

Chu Longyuan shook his head and said, "I exchanged a few moves with my brothers just now and realized that their improvement was really huge.

Therefore, I have a presumptuous request."

Yang Luo smiled and said, "Brother Chu, we're brothers. If you have anything to say, just say it."