Can You Afford It?

Prajna said solemnly, "Brother Yang, no matter what the reason is,

What is certain now was that you were indeed targeted by the Holy Imperial Court.

So, you must be careful.

No one who was targeted by the Holy Imperial Court has ever survived.

None of the organizations they targeted survived either."

"Yes, I understand."

Yang Luo nodded and said, "However, we'll deal with whatever comes our way.

I don't cause trouble easily, but I've never been afraid of trouble.

If this Purgatory Death God and Death Witch still want to provoke me, I can only destroy them."

Prajna was shocked, "Brother Yang, if you really kill the Purgatory Death God and the Death Witch, it will undoubtedly be a declaration of war against the Holy Imperial Court!

No one had ever dared to declare war on the Holy Imperial Court!

Even the other top organizations in the Dark World did not dare to easily declare war on the Holy Imperial Court!