Telling Medicine Whilst Blindfolded!

Star City Entertainment Corporation.

In the President's office.

Qin Yimo was reviewing some documents.

Knock, knock, knock.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Qin Yimo responded.

The door was pushed open.

Assistant Wu Yue ran in with her phone.

"President Qin, big news, big news!"

"What big news?"

Qin Yimo asked curiously.

Wu Yue handed her cell phone to Qin Yimo, "President Qin, look, this is a live broadcast of Wanlong Square!

Mr. Yang is competing with four Chinese doctors from Sakura Nation!"

Qin Yimo quickly took the cell phone and looked at it.

A few minutes later…

Qin Yimo stood up and said, "Assistant Wu, let's go to Wanlong Square. Let's support Brother Yang!"


Wu Yue was stunned for a moment before saying, "But there's a meeting later…"

Qin Yimo said, "Postpone it!"


Wu Yue nodded helplessly.