Can You Take Responsibility?

On the way to Maria Hospital…

Yang Luo asked, "How's Alinda's current situation?"

Smith replied, "The hospital called just now and said that her condition is getting worse!

Her bodily functions are also constantly decreasing. Everyone is worried that she won't be able to hold on for long!"

Yang Luo frowned and said, "Describe the symptoms of this infectious disease."

Smith immediately explained, "Any patient who suffers from this infectious disease will experience dizziness, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and so on.

Some of them will even have spasms.

This infectious disease was very terrifying. Once you contract it, it would cause many organs in the human body to fail.

Many patients died before they could even be resuscitated."

After hearing Smith's words, Yang Luo tried to analyze the makeup of the disease, but he could not make any headway about it.

After all, many infectious diseases had such symptoms.