Third Senior Sister, Wait for Me!

Xu Ying, Bujie, and Prajna, who had jumped into the air, were sent flying to an iceberg not far away by the waves of air. They even rolled a few times on the iceberg before stopping.

"F*ck, Brother Yang, do you have to be so exaggerated?"

Bujie grimaced in pain and got up from the ground.

Xu Ying and Prajna also heaved a sigh of relief. After getting up, they looked at the collapsing iceberg.

At this moment.

At the place where the iceberg exploded, icicles flew everywhere and huge waves soared into the sky. The ice in the sea was also sent flying into the air!

The entire scene was extremely shocking. Xu Ying and the other two were dumbfounded!

It was not until the ice rocks dissipated and the huge wave turned into water droplets that everything finally returned to calm.

The three of them looked up and saw a thin and tall figure standing on a piece of ice. The sunlight shone down and shone brightly. It was Yang Luo.