Drunk Beauty!

On the third night.

On Paramita Island.

The palace in the center of the island was brightly lit.

There was a long table in the dining room.

On it was filled with all kinds of fine wine and delicacies.

Yang Luo, Xiao Ziyun, Evil Butcher, and the rest were currently celebrating the victory of this battle.

Other than Yang Luo and the others, the leaders of the organizations with Violet and the God Slaying Temple were also present.

Everyone was chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was very happy.

At this moment, Xiao Ziyun stood up with a glass of red wine and said loudly, "Thank you for your help this time!

Without everyone's help, Violet would not even be able to protect herself, let alone destroy the twelve organizations!

Therefore, I'll toast everyone!"

With that, Xiao Ziyun finished the red wine in her glass in one gulp!