Are You Worthy of Asking Me for Face?

In the suburbs of Jiang City.

There was a beautiful scenic location.

This place was densely covered in forests, mountains rose and fell, and rivers flowed. It was majestic and magnificent.

On the top of a mountain that was more than 300 meters tall, there was a luxurious villa.

This villa was called the White Jade Villa. It was given to the Myriad Swords Gate by the Jiang family back then.

This time, Yuan Jiantong and the others settled down here.

At this moment.

In the hall of the White Jade Villa.

Su Qingmei, Qin Yimo, and Su Wanqiu sat on the sofa. Because their acupoints had been sealed, they could not move.

Yuan Jiantong and the six Protectors were sitting opposite them, drinking tea leisurely.

Qin Yimo roared, "You guys, let us go quickly. If Brother Yang comes back, you're dead!"

Yuan Jiantong chuckled and said, "It's been a night, but Yang Luo still hasn't appeared.