Only for Revenge!

Just as Bujie leaped down!

Xu Ying and Prajna also jumped down from the mountain!


Xu Ying roared and waved the Dragon Sparrow Saber in his hand, slashing forward!

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Immediately, dozens of ninjas were killed with a single slash!


Prajna shouted coldly as she waved the kunai in her hand!

Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!

Dozens of ninjas' throats were cut open and they fell heavily to the ground!

The ninjas who rushed up behind were all scared silly. They stopped and looked at Yang Luo and the others in horror!

"Damn it, who are these guys? Why are they so strong?!"

"These guys seem to be from Country Hua, but why did they come to our Asuka Village to kill us?!"

"That woman is holding a kunai in her hand. Could she be a ninja too?!"

These ninjas discussed in surprise, their eyes filled with confusion and anger.

"Who are you people? Why did you barge into our Asuka Ninja Sect?