Never Surrender!

"Oh no, we're surrounded!"

Tian Zhen looked around and exclaimed.

Bujie gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, are those guys not done yet!

I've just killed a bunch of people in the city, but there are still so many people at sea!"

Luo Jingchen sighed and said, "It's indeed not easy to escape from here!"

Feng Datong clenched his fists and said angrily, "These guys are going to kill us today!"

Yang Luo took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice, "Brothers, prepare to fight!

As long as we break out of their sea encirclement, we can successfully leave this place!"


Everyone responded in unison and prepared for battle.

Soon, the 40 battleships drove over and surrounded Yang Luo and the others' yacht.

A group of old men stood on one of the battleships.

The seven elders in the lead had robust auras and terrifying pressure. They were very extraordinary.