The Sixth Batch!

Ten minutes later.

There were only five people left to fight Qi Yutang, Li Wushuang, and Wang Mufeng.

There were more than 30 corpses on the ground.

These five people consisted of two experts on the Heaven Ranking and three experts on the Earth Ranking!

On 28th place on the Heaven List was Yan Yidao, the "Wild Wave Swordsman"!

He Jianshan, the "Cold-faced Swordsman" ranked 29th on the Heaven Leaderboard!

"Life Reaping Tri-Spear" Ma Shaoqing, ranked 52nd on the Earth Ranking!

"Mourning Ghostly Hatchet" Li Qingsong, who was ranked 53rd on the Earth Ranking!

Xie Gandang, ranked 54th on the Earth Ranking, who was also as the "Hundred Poison Sacred Hands"!

However, after the intense battle just now, these five people were already covered in wounds and blood dyed their clothes red.

Yan Yidao roared, "Qi Yutang, Li Wushuang, Wang Mufeng, why did you become Yang Luo's lackeys to deal with us?"
