The Situation Turns Around!

At this moment, Ning Hansheng was about to break down.

His face was red, and the veins on his forehead and neck were bulging. He seemed to be crying and laughing at the same time. He looked as if he was about to go crazy.

Everyone present looked at Ning Hansheng with pity and sympathy.

After all, this was something unacceptable to any man.

Su Wanqiu could not bear to see him like this.

She grabbed Guan Zhiqing's hand and said, "Mom, did you already know about this?"


Guan Zhiqing nodded.

Su Wanqiu said, "Isn't this a little too cruel?"

Guan Zhiqing sighed and said, "This matter will be exposed eventually. We can't hide it forever."

Su Wanqiu also sighed deeply.

At this moment, Chen Jiali was trembling all over and her face was even paler.

She naturally didn't dare to let Ning Tianhao and Ning Tianyou do a paternity test with Ning Hansheng.