I Will Not Rest Until The Myriad Swords Gate Is Destroyed!

"You're not worthy of being my Brother Yang's enemy!"

Li Wushuang roared and threw punch after punch at Orson!

Orson kept waving the spear in his hand to meet the attack!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions sounded incessantly!

Orson could only be continuously forced back by Li Wushuang's punches!

After more than ten punches…

Orson's defense was broken!

Li Wushuang's fist landed heavily on his chest!


He let out a miserable cry as his strong body was sent flying!

As he was sent flying, he spat out blood and the armor on his chest cracked inch by inch!

Moreover, before he could stabilize his body!

Li Wushuang charged forward again and threw another punch!


This punch was even more ferocious and heavy than the previous, smashing forward like a cannonball!
