The Destruction of the Myriad Sword Gate!

In an instant!

Boom! Boom!

Nine purple-gold swords, seven seven seven-star swords, and five five-element swords collided fiercely with Yang Luo's slash and the sea of swords he mobilized!

The earth shook, and the sound of collision immediately resounded, spreading for a hundred miles!

In the entire territory of the Myriad Swords Gate, nearly a hundred mountains shook even more violently!

The valley where Yang Luo and the others were was the most shaken!

Mountains collapsed one after another, and the rock ground kept tearing apart!

Less than a few minutes later.


A series of explosions that shook the sky and shook the Netherworld exploded!

A dazzling light and ferocious and violent energy spread out from the explosion and surged in all directions!

It was like the surging rivers and the roar of the sea!

The thirteen mountains around the valley were all destroyed and turned into ruins!