Chaos in Taikang Medical!

Time passed quickly.

Another week passed.

A week later.

Hua Mei Biomedical had released its upgraded products like the Jade Countenance Beauty Mask, Luo Shen Hair Nurturing Serum, and the Seven Treasures Consolidating Pill!

Moreover, the Frost Condensation Beauty Cream, Hundred Shy Flowers Beauty Ointment, and Moon-Sealing Agarwood Liquid were also placed on the market!

In an instant, the market exploded again!

A week later, in the morning.

Taikang Medical.

In the President's office.

Huangfu Haotian's female secretary was reporting the company's situation.

"President Huangfu, I didn't expect Taikang Medical to have such a trick up their sleeves!

Their three products had suddenly been upgraded, and the effects are even better than before!

More importantly, they had also listed three new products!

Now that the entire market has exploded again, the three products we copied are no longer competitive!