Fighting Sirius, Goddess of Fate!

At this moment.

On the Battle God Square.

In the square, everyone was singing and dancing, and there was endless laughter.

But at this moment…


A loud bang suddenly came from the Eiffel Tower!

The entire iron tower and even the entire square shook!

Yang Luo's heart skipped a beat as he suddenly looked up at the tower!

The others present also looked up!

What they saw was two figures standing quietly on the second floor of the iron tower!

Standing on the iron tower was a Caucasian man and a Caucasian woman!

The Caucasian man had brown curly hair, a rough face, and a burly figure that was more than three meters tall!

He was wearing a light gray suit with a black shirt inside, revealing his broad and firm chest, like a city wall made of steel!

The Caucasian woman was more than 1.7 meters tall and possessed a tall and graceful figure!