Unless God Descends!

"Then I'll do as you wish!"

Yang Luo nodded in response. Then, he took a step forward and transformed into a golden stream of light that charged towards the Heavenly Sirius!

Without any hesitation, Heavenly Sirius charged forward!

At that moment…

The two of them closed the distance and punched at the same time!


A huge golden fist collided heavily with a huge black and red fist, erupting with a thunderous explosion!

The entire square shook even more violently!

The Eiffel Tower shook even more!

A dazzling light shot into the sky, illuminating the night sky!

Vast and vast energy erupted like a torrential mountain flood!

The light barrier condensed around the square also trembled violently, as if it would collapse at any moment!

The people watching the battle outside the square were already dumbfounded and trembling!

"Oh my god, all of this is too real. It doesn't look like a movie at all!"