Gathering of the Eight Great Sects!

Three days later, early in the morning.

Jiangnan province.

Car City.

Wudang Mountain.

The number one sect in the ancient martial arts world, the Wudang Sect, was located here.

However, what the people of the secular world saw was only the outer Wudang Sect, not the real Wudang Sect.

The real Wudang Sect was situated deep in the mountains. The people of the secular world were prohibited from entering and were isolated from the world.

At an area hundred miles away from Wudang Mountain…

Mountains rose and fell here. They were majestic and imposing.

Ancient halls and pavilions sat on the 49 main peaks, and they were surrounded by clouds and mist, causing them to seem like a paradise.

On the first main peak, Heavenly Pillar Peak, there stood a magnificent palace called the Taiji Hall, which was also the main hall of Wudang Sect.