You're the One Who Should Get Lost!

At this moment.

Harmandy stood quietly at the entrance of the hotel, his face full of anticipation.

Behind him was a row of bodyguards in black wearing sunglasses. Every bodyguard was carrying a black password box, looking very flashy.

Not far from the entrance…

"Oh my god, I didn't expect to see the prince of Dibai with my own eyes one day!"

Tang Xiaoya was so excited that her face turned red, "I wonder which woman is so lucky to be able to receive Prince Dibai's confession!

If only the person confessing was me, I would definitely agree immediately!"

Xue Mei shook her head and said, "Xiaoya, don't think about this. These rich and powerful big shots must be extremely picky."

Tang Xiaoya was instantly displeased, "Sister Mei, what do you mean? Do you think I'm not beautiful enough, or do you think my figure isn't good enough?"

Xue Mei said ingratiatingly, "Xiaoya, your looks and figure are naturally flawless.