He Will Always Be My Hero!

The capital.

Hidden Dragon Pavilion headquarters.

In the conference room.

"Hahaha, as expected of Deputy Pavilion Master Yang. He's really too powerful!"

"Isn't that so? Three experts from Country Sakura were killed by Deputy Pavilion Master Yang with one strike after another. He's simply invincible!"

"It's our Hidden Dragon Pavilion's great honor to have an expert like Mr. Yang as our Deputy Pavilion Master!"

The members of the Hidden Dragon Pavilion waved their fists and shouted in joy.

Lin Aocang could not suppress the excitement in his heart either. He quickly took out his phone and made a call.

The phone rang for a while before it was picked up.

Lin Aocang took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Yi, this matter has been resolved!

Yang Luo killed Kurokawa Ichiro, Satoru Fukuhara, and Furuta Kasaneyama all by himself!"

"Good! Good! Good!"