End It!

Douglas sneered and said coldly, "Kid, are you threatening me?"

Yang Luo said in a deep voice, "You can think of it in that way."

Douglas sneered, "Kid, no one has ever dared to threaten me. You're the first one. Interesting.

You're really hateful. You've ruined my plans time and time again.

You led your men to destroy my Missa base and killed tens of thousands of my people.

Not long ago, you led people to destroy my Sand Sea base and killed more than 3,000 of my people.

After that, you killed more than 10,000 people from our seven teams and destroyed many of our equipment.

To be honest, you're the first person I hate so much. You're also the person I want to kill the most now.

This can be considered an honor for you."

Yang Luo's expression was cold as he asked, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

Douglas chuckled and said, "Kid, why don't we make a game?"

"What game?"

Yang Luo frowned.