Protection Needs Strength!

The Purgatory Death God said coldly, "The first step of the Hell Fiend Palace, Holy Light Church, and Heavenly Shrine's plan is definitely to use all kinds of methods to make the other organizations submit to them.

As for the second step, it is naturally to destroy the Holy Imperial Court and divide the resources of the Holy Imperial Court.

Furthermore, it's not just the Holy Imperial Court. I'm afraid even the Hidden Alliance won't be let off."

Heavenly Sirius said, "Now, we need a top expert like the old Divine Emperor to stand out from the crowd.

This top expert has to have absolute strength, boldness, and charisma.

He has to be able lead all the organizations that want peace to fight against the Hell Fiend Palace, the Holy Light Church, and the Heavenly Shrine together.

If possible, he has to destroy these three organizations completely to prevent future troubles."