Ultimate Competition!

When the audience in the stands saw that the referees had not announced the results for a long time, they were all anxious.

"What are you doing? Quickly announce the results!"

"That's right, quickly announce the results!"

"Did this brother win or not? Tell me quickly!"

The audience shouted. All of them wished they could run to the referee's seat to see the results.

Yi Jiuzhou was also very nervous, "I wonder if this kid won or not."

Lin Aocang took a deep breath, "He should have won."

Hua Changsheng, Huang Tai'an, and the others also clenched their fists nervously.

At this moment.

The referee stood up with the results.

He said loudly, "I'll announce the results now!

The sect master of the Buddhist Medical Sect, Mr. Adelhan, withdrew from the competition halfway!

Hence, a total of 33 patients were treated!

The Sect Master of the Eastern Medicine Sect, Mr. Jin Chenghao, had cured 68 patients!