Let's See How Arrogant You Can Be!

Tian Shangde cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Yang, since you were willing to stand up when our martial arts world was in danger back then, you must be a righteous person.

Mr. Yang, you should be broad-minded. How can you be calculative over a small matter?"

Wan Haichuan chuckled and said, "Mr. Yang, please give me some face and spare Mr. Huangfu and the others this time!"

Zhang Guanxian also smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, we'll treat everyone to a drink later and forget about this matter!"

"Are you done speaking?"

Yang Luo asked calmly.

Huo Zhongliang nodded and said, "Mr. Yang, that's all we want to say. I hope you can consider it."

Yang Luo's eyes turned cold. He looked up at Huo Zhongliang and the other three and said in a stern voice, "Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of asking me for face?

What does my magnanimity have to do with you?