Holy Light Cross Formation!

Hearing Augustus' words…

Dracula, Igorbode, and Randolph's eyes widened in disbelief.

Augustus said, "Elders, let's talk after the battle ends. Hurry up and destroy those Cardinals and white-robed bishops!"


Dracula and the others nodded and responded. Then, they charged towards the Cardinals and the white bishops!

At this moment.

On the distant battlefield.


A series of shocking explosions sounded in the night sky!

A dazzling light and majestic energy erupted from the explosion and spread in all directions!


Raquelle, Sariel, and Remuel screamed at the same time as they were sent flying!

The three of them were covered in wounds from the explosion. A few of them were so deep that their bones could be seen and blood was flowing!

Although Yang Luo also had wounds on his body, his injuries were far less serious than Raquelle and the other two!