Who Hit You?

"Dad, you're awake!"

The young woman's face was filled with surprise.

"Oh my god, that kid only inserted three needles and this old man woke up?!"

"Not only is this old man awake, but his mental state seems to be very good!"

"I didn't expect that ordinary-looking kid to be a Divine Doctor!"

Everyone present cried out in surprise.

"Yuzhen, what's wrong with me?"

The old man asked in confusion.

"Dad, after getting off the plane just now, you suddenly fainted…"

The young woman told the old man what had just happened.

The old man said in surprise, "Are you saying that a young man saved me from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage?"


The young woman nodded repeatedly.

The old man hurriedly asked, "Where's that young man?"

The young woman said, "That gentleman seemed to have something urgent to attend to and left."

The old man said, "Yuzhen, that young man must be a Divine Doctor!