Bad Guy and Hero!

After a while…

The entrance of the hotel became empty.

The onlookers in the distance were dumbfounded.

"What's going on now? Why did everyone leave?"

"I guess Mr. Park gave the order!"

"This kid is too scary. Even Mr. Park has to bow his head!"

Everyone discussed animatedly. After staying for a while, they also left.

Seeing that Kim Min-ho, Han Hyeon-jae, and the others left…

"They're not arresting us anymore?

Such a huge crisis has been resolved just like that?"

Xu Yan asked in a daze.

"I think so."

Shen Yun nodded in a daze as well.

Until now, she still hadn't recovered from her shock.

Su Qingmei heaved a sigh of relief.

This crisis was finally resolved.

Yang Luo naturally knew why Kim Min-ho, Han Hyeon-jae, and the others had retreated.

The Dragon General must have put pressure on them.

Of course, Ahn Sing-jjeo was also there to put pressure on them.