Why Explain?

As soon as the call went through…

Su Qingmei's voice sounded.

"Yang Luo, you finally picked up the phone!"

"Qingmei, what exactly happened? Why are there so many people calling me?"

Yang Luo hurriedly asked.

Su Qingmei said, "Yang Luo, something happened! Something big happened!"

"What exactly happened?"

Yang Luo's heart skipped a beat when he heard that.

Su Qingmei took a deep breath and said, "In the few days that you disappeared, the martial arts world of Country Sakura issued a challenge to you!

Moreover, they even issued a challenge to let you go to Country Sakura to accept the challenge!

Now, this letter of challenge had already exploded in all the major media and online platforms. The topic is even still trending on the searches!

"Everyone thought that you would accept the challenge, but because you haven't appeared, the people are very angry at you!"

"So that's why."