If You Don't Die, The Heavens Won't Allow It!

At this moment…

The entire place turned dead silent!

No one had expected this!

After Yang Luo killed Akita Daito and Motoyasu Kashima with two strikes…

He actually used a sword formation to kill Matsuno Ryugen and Nakamura Mori!

At this point!

Heavenly Dragon Martial God Matsuno Ryugen!

Supporting Heaven Martial Emperor Akita Daito!

Mystic Ice Martial Emperor, Morimori Nakamura!

And the God Slaying Martial Emperor, Motoyasu Kashima!

In this short period of time!

Yang Luo had already killed a Martial God Realm expert and three Martial Emperor Realm experts!

Such battle achievements could be said to be peerless and heaven-defying!

If Kushi Michikawa, Oku Yoshi, Kitamei Saburo, and Takeda Enhi had not escaped fast enough, they would have died as well!

After a moment of silence…