Blue Luan!

At the same time…

There was a small island near Country Sakura.

The small island was filled with mountains and rivers, dense forests, flowing rivers, birdsong, and fragrant flowers. The spiritual energy was abundant, like a paradise on earth.

This island was called Sacred Sky Island.

It was the residence of the number one expert in Country Sakura, one of the experts on the World Divine Ranking, "Sword Saint" Kagura Kenshin.

It was precisely because of this that no one dared to step foot here for so many years.

At this moment, it was already late at night.

The entire island was silent, with only the movements of some birds and beasts.

But at this moment…

A cyan-blue light whizzed over from Country Hua's direction like a meteor streaking across the night sky.

A few seconds later.

A figure appeared at the peak of a mountain.

Under the moonlight, one could see that it was a woman.