Triumphant Return!

"Mr. Ono, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Ono, what did the Sword Saint say?"

The higher-ups hurriedly asked.

Masahiro Ono took a while to recover.

He struggled to speak, "The Sword Saint said that Country Sakura's martial arts world is inferior to Country Hua's martial arts world.

The reason why he asked Tokugawa and the others to retreat was to protect them.


"There's more?"

Someone asked anxiously.

Masahiro Ono gritted his teeth and said, "Moreover, the Sword Saint also said that if Lord Tokugawa and the others don't retreat, our entire Country Sakura's martial arts world would have been bathed in blood!"

"What?! If we don't retreat, our entire Country Sakura's martial arts world will be bathed in blood?!"

"What a joke. With the Sword Saint around, who would dare to massacre the martial arts world of Country Sakura?!"

The group of higher-ups roared angrily. They were very unconvinced.