Crushing Me Easily?

"You have guts, but it's impossible for you to defeat me with just guts!

"I'll let you know how big the gap between you and me is!"

Ivanovka yelled and dashed toward Yang Luo like a platinum stream of light!

Ivanovka was charging at them!

Yang Luo's body shook!

A golden beam of light shot into the sky from his body, piercing through the clouds and illuminating the night!

Then, he raised his right hand and shouted!

"Sword, come!"


Accompanied by the sound of a sword swing!

The Dragon Emperor Sword flew out of his storage ring and was held tightly in his hand!

Just as Yang Luo summoned the Dragon Emperor Sword!

Ivanovka had already closed the distance between them. He swung his platinum sword at Yang Luo!

Yang Luo only flipped his wrist and met the attack with his sword!


The two swords collided with a crisp sound!