End It!

Frances asked in confusion, "Wasn't I seriously injured? Why do I feel no pain at all?"

Andreev asked curiously, "That's right. Why do I feel like my body is fine?"

Heavenly Sirius laughed and said, "Grandpa, Father, I was the one who invited my brother over to treat you!

Now that my brother has cured you, of course you're fine!"

Stanik also nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right. The Divine Doctor that Degult invited is really amazing!

A few hours ago, you were already on your last breaths. If Mr. Yang hadn't saved you, I'm afraid you wouldn't have woken up!"

Heavenly Sirius told Frances and the others what had just happened.

After hearing what Heavenly Sirius said….

Frances and the others quickly got off the bed, walked to Yang Luo, and knelt down on one knee.

"Thank you for saving my life, Mr. Yang!"

"There's no need to be so polite!"