A Crowd!

The battle was over.

A portion of the werewolves cleaned up the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Yang Luo and the others returned to the previous room.

Yang Luo said to Hopkins and the others, "Everyone, I'll treat your injuries first. After that, we'll drink."

"Mr. Yang, you know medicine as well?"

Hopkins asked curiously.

Andreev chuckled and said, "Old Patriarch Hopkins, you don't know this.

Mr. Yang's medical skills are very powerful. If Mr. Yang hadn't cured us, we would have died long ago."

"Is that so?"

Hopkins' eyes were full of surprise, "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Yang!"

Yang Luo nodded and treated everyone.

After the treatment ended…

Hopkins moved his body and was shocked, "Mr. Yang's medical skills are really amazing. In less than half an hour, my injuries are almost healed!"