Berserk Dragon!

"Eternal Curse!"


Eternal Lord brandished the longsword in his hand and cast a curse!

Yang Luo was about to get close to Michael and the other two, but his speed suddenly slowed down. Even the speed at which he swung his sword was slowed down!


Yang Luo was shocked. He clearly did not expect the Eternal Overlord to be able to cast a curse from afar!

Just as Yang Luo's speed slowed down!

The chains of light instantly wrapped around Yang Luo and hung him in the air!

"Holy Cross!"

Michael took this opportunity to swing his Holy Light Ruler again!

A huge seven-colored cross stood up. Yang Luo was directly tied to the cross!

After tying Yang Luo to the cross!

Michael raised the Holy Light Ruler in his hand and let loose a deafening roar!

"Divine Punishment!"


Purple lightning bolts descended from the sky and struck Yang Luo's body heavily!