I Will Send You to See God!

The moment they were sent flying…

Many Golden Knights spat out blood and fell to the ground in the distance, dying immediately!

The platinum knights and golden knights who were still alive were also covered in wounds and blood!

After stabilizing their bodies, they stared intently at Yang Luo, their faces filled with horror!

"Who is this kid? Why is he so strong?!"

"This kid is not simple. Everyone, don't hold back. Use your strongest strength and kill him!"

"I don't believe that we can't kill this brat with so many of us!"

The remaining Platinum Knights and Golden Knights roared and brandished their swords at the same time!

"Rain of Light Swords!"

At that very moment…

Thousands of platinum and golden light swords condensed and shot towards Yang Luo from all directions!

Dong, dong, dong!

These thousands of light swords ruthlessly collided with Yang Luo's True Qi barrier, emitting terrifying collision sounds!