Leave Everything to the Future!

Hopkins looked at Yang Luo and said, "Mr. Yang, although those guys from Oxford haven't done anything yet,

However, I'm worried that they are secretly plotting to deal with you. You have to be careful later."

"Mr. Hopkins, thank you for your reminder."

Yang Luo replied and continued, "However, everyone, don't worry. If they still dare to provoke me, I don't mind making them pay an even heavier price."

Bujie laughed happily and said, "As expected of my Brother Yang. He doesn't care about life and death. If he's not convinced, he'll fight. He's indeed domineering!"

Alves said, "Mr. Yang, if you need our help in the future, feel free to contact us. There's no need to stand on ceremony!"

"Our Blood Race is at your disposal at any time!"

"Our Demon Dragon Clan is the same!"

Augustus and Hopkins also expressed their stance.

"Thank you, everyone!"

Yang Luo cupped his hands.

He sighed in his heart.