Discussing Countermeasures!

Huangfu Zhenxiong and the other two were still arguing with the heads of the various families.

However, Cao Huben stomped his walking stick and shouted, "Silence!"

For a moment, all the family heads present fell silent, not daring to speak again.

It had to be known that the strongest family present was the Cao family. They didn't dare offend Cao Huben's dignity.

Nie Baoshan, who was wearing a gray Tang suit and had short gray hair and holding a longevity turtle walking stick, coughed lightly.

His sharp eyes swept across everyone present and he said coldly, "What are you arguing about? Can you hear us out?"

Seeing Nie Baoshan flare up, everyone trembled in fear and fell silent.

Even if the Nie Family couldn't compare to the Cao Family, they weren't people they could offend.

Huangfu Zhenxiong said respectfully, "Elder Cao, Elder Nie, Old Qiao, Old Xu, and I unconditionally support dealing with Yang Luo!"